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Rodrigo Dias, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder

I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder. I study consumer behavior. Specifically, my research focuses on marketing questions at the intersection of psychology and economics, with a particular interest in financial decision making and the psychology of happiness and well-being. My current reserch investigates questions such as:

  • How does inflation affect consumers?

  • Why do consumers have different expectations for inflation?

  • Why do consumers with similar financial situations perceive their finances differently?

  • How do consumers make tradeoffs between quality and quantity?

  • Why do some people believe that money increases happiness?

Selected Publications

Dias, Sharma, and Fitzsimons. (2024) Quality-Quantity Tradeoffs in Consumption. Conditionally Accepted. Journal of Consumer Research.

- 2023 SCP Best Competitive Paper Award Finalist

Dias, Spiller, and Fitzsimons. (2023) Understanding effect sizes in consumer psychology. Marketing Letters, 31, 367-374.

Howe, Zhou, Dias, and Fitzsimons. (2023) Aha over Haha: Brands benefit more from being clever than from being funny. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(1), 107-114.

Dias, Sharma, and Fitzimons. (2022) Spending and Happiness: The Role of Perceived Financial Constraints. Journal of Consumer Research, 49(3), 373-388.

- Editor's Choice

- 2023 Ferber Award Winner

Von Schuckman, Barros, Dias, and Andrade. (2018) From Slum Tourism to Smiley Selfies: The Role of Social Identity Strength in the Consumption of Morally Ambiguous Experiences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 192-210.

Selected Working Papers

Dias, Sharma, and Fitzsimons. (2024) Consumer Wealth and Price Expectations. Revise & Resubmit. Journal of Consumer Research.

- 2023 MSI Alden-Clayton Dissertation Proposal Competition Honorable Mention

Dias and Etkin. (2024) Lay Beliefs About Money and Happiness. Work in Progress.

Pan, Dias, and Fitzsimons. (2024) The Psychological Costs of Rising Prices. Work in Progress.

Awards and Honors

2024 Fuqua School of Business Best Dissertation Award

2023 MSI Alden-Clayton Dissertation Proposal Award Honorable Mention

2024 JCR Ferber Award Winner

2023 AMA CBSig Rising Star Award
2023 AMA DocSig Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award
2023 SCP Conference Best Competitive Paper Finalist
2022 AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow

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